
SNM Hudobné muzeum

By atlasadmin, 25 May, 2020

The castle, towering above the city, houses some museums and a concert hall. In the bastion Luginsland at the northern side is a music museum with an archive, a study centre and a collection of instruments.

SND Nová Scéna

By atlasadmin, 25 May, 2020

Nová Scéna is the theatre for operettas and musicals, with c. 600 seats. It was built in 1929-30 as a trade centre but altered into a theatre in 1946.

Martinsky cintorin

By atlasadmin, 25 May, 2020

On the cemetery of St. Martin are the graves of the composers Ján Cikker, +1989 (> above) and Alexander Moyzes (1906-84); he was, with Suchoň and Cikker, one of the leading 20th century composers of Slovakia. He wrote mainly orchestral music with a nationalist character, incl. twelve symphonies.

Also Alexander Dubček (1921-92) was buried here, the enlightened Czechoslovak leader who irritated the Soviets, resulting in their brutal assumption of power in 1968.

Pezinsky cintorin

By atlasadmin, 25 May, 2020

Eugen Suchoň , was born in Pezinok in 1908 and lived here until 1931. He is internationally the best known Slovak composer. His oeuvre covers all genres; important are the two operas, Krútňava (1940s) and Svätopluk (1950s). www.suchon.info

His birthplace is not extant, but in accordance with his will he was buried in the town (+1993 in Bratislava).

ulica E. Suchona 1

By atlasadmin, 25 May, 2020

Eugen Suchoň lived in this Spa in the 1940s; here he began the folkloristic opera Krútňava and added greatly to the local musical life.
In 2006 this opera was performed in the Dom Umenia (House of the Arts). In the same year he became a honorary citizen of the town and a commemorative tablet by Roman Hrčka was unveiled.

Photo by M.Hlanka (wiki)

ulica M. Schneidera-Trnavského 5

By atlasadmin, 25 May, 2020

Trnava is the birthplace of Mikulaš Schneider-Trnavský (1881-1958). He worked mainly as a church musician (from 1909 regens chori at Trnava cathedral). The Jednotý Katolíčky Spevník (the standard R.K. hymnbook, 1937) contains five hundred songs, the half of which was composed by him. In 1996 there was an exhibition about him, but it seems to have been closed since 2006.

Kaštiel' Dolná Krupá

By atlasadmin, 25 May, 2020

The castle of Dolná Krupá was the summer residence of the Brunsvik family. As a part of the Slovak National Museum, it displays a collection of instruments and exhibits about the Brunsviks. The exhibition was renovated several times, lastly in 2003. Beethoven was friendly with the family, especially with the children of the house: Therèse, Josephine and Franz. Several compositions were dedicated to them. Josephine is said – with good, but not decisive arguments ─ to have been the composer’s unsterbliche Geliebte (immortal beloved).