ulica M. Schneidera-Trnavského 5

By atlasadmin, 25 May, 2020
#HE Schneider-Trnavsky - W. Müller*

ulica M. Schneidera-Trnavského 5

Trnava is the birthplace of Mikulaš Schneider-Trnavský (1881-1958). He worked mainly as a church musician (from 1909 regens chori at Trnava cathedral). The Jednotý Katolíčky Spevník (the standard R.K. hymnbook, 1937) contains five hundred songs, the half of which was composed by him. In 1996 there was an exhibition about him, but it seems to have been closed since 2006.
Trnava was called Türnau by the Germans and Nagyszombat by the Hungarians. Also born in Trnava/Türnau, in 1767, was Wenzel Müller, the composer of light operas which were very popular in Vienna around 1800. His opera Die Schwestern von Prag contains the aria Ich bin der Schneider Kakadu, on which Beethoven wrote his Variations op. 121a for piano trio. Müller died in Baden bei Wien in 1835. During the years 1892-1910 Zoltán Kodály lived in Trnava/Nagyszombat, where he attended the archiepiscopal grammar school. He is honoured with a plaque.

48.378892, 17.5908544

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