

object number short info star Body
sk1.1121 #PE - Beethoven *

The castle of Dolná Krupá was the summer reside

sk1.1111 #HE Schneider-Trnavsky - W. Müller*

Trnava is the birthplace of Mikulaš Schneider-T

sk1.1106 #H #T Suchoň

Eugen Suchoň lived in this Spa in the 1940s; h

sk1.1101 Suchoň*

Eugen Suchoň , was born in Pezinok in 1908 and

sk1.1041 #G A. Moyzes, Cikker

On the cemetery of St.

sk1.1039 #Z opera 2

The ‘new building’ of the Slovak National Theat

sk1.1035 #Z operetta, musicals

Nová Scéna is the theatre for operettas and mus

sk1.1033 #S conservatory

The conservatory is, next to the Academy, an in

sk1.1031 #A #M instruments *

The castle, towering above the city, houses som